"The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is awarding funding through the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) program to restaurants, bars, and other similar places of business that serve food or drink. The purpose of this funding is to provide support to eligible entities that suffered revenue losses related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the program has not yet begun accepting applications, on Thursday, April 29th, join the North Country Chamber of Commerce and SCORE for a FREE informational webinar on the RRF program that will cover the following:
An Overview of the Program
Who can Apply
How to Apply
Documentation Required to Apply
Calculating Your Funding Amount
Eligible Use of Funds
How the RRF Interacts with Other SBA Programs (PPP, SVOG, EIDL)
Staff from the SBA will be on the call to provide the most up-to-date information to our members and business community, as well as, answer your questions.
DATE: Thursday, April 29th
TIME: 10am
Cost: FREE
Due to time constraints and the amount of material that will be covered, questions will only be accepted ahead of time, using the "REGISTER TODAY" button below; questions submitted during the webinar may not be answered."